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Recycled plastic - ubq

UBQ Materials is a company that specializes in a unique technology for converting unsorted household waste, including plastic, into a bio based thermoplastic material. This material can be used in various applications, and one of the applications is the production of sustainable pallets.

Here's a general overview of UBQ's technology and its application in recycling plastic into pallets:

UBQ Technology Overview:

  • Waste Feedstock: UBQ's process takes in unsorted household waste, which can include various types of plastic, food waste, and other organic materials.

  • Conversion Process: The waste undergoes a proprietary conversion process developed by UBQ, transforming it into a bio based thermoplastic material.

  • Bio Based Material: The resulting material is said to be a sustainable, bio based thermoplastic that can substitute traditional plastic derived from fossil fuels.

Application in Pallets:

  • Material Composition: UBQ's bio based thermoplastic can be used as a substitute for conventional plastics in the production of various products, including pallets.

  • Sustainability: Pallets made from UBQ's material are promoted as a sustainable alternative, contributing to the reduction of plastic waste and the use of virgin plastics.

  • Properties: The material is claimed to have good strength and durability, making it suitable for applications like pallets that require these properties. materials pepsico/

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