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3R Circular economy

Recycled PET (rPET) and recycled polypropylene rPP ) play crucial roles in contributing to a circular economy by promoting the reuse of materials and reducing dependence on virgin plastics.

Here's how the recycling of PET and polypropylene contributes to circular economy principles:

1. Resource Conservation:

  • Recycling PET bottles into rPET conserves natural resources by reducing the need for virgin PET resin.

  • Recycling polypropylene into rPP conserves resources and reduces the demand for virgin polypropylene.

In summary, recycled PET and polypropylene contribute significantly to a circular economy by conserving resources, reducing energy consumption, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and promoting a closed loop system for plastics.

As industries and consumers increasingly embrace recycled materials, the positive impact on environmental sustainability and circularity continues to grow.

Image: The Ellen MacArthur Foundation

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